The Java Spam Daemon (jspamd) Project

Java Spam Daemon (jspamd) is basically a SpamAssassin rewritten in java, but alot more modular. As stated on the spamassassins site: "SpamAssassin(tm) is a mail filter to identify spam. Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited commercial email.". Jspamd uses spamassassins' filtering rules unmodified - so its a pretty decent substitute for spamassassin.

Jspamd is more modular and spamassassin rules are just a module to check spam it can use other modules (e.g. bayesian algorithms). Jspamd uses java 1.4.x features, mainly regular expressions.

Although jspamd is not very mature it can be used in moderately loaded mail filtering systems. Tests on Sun UltraSparc IIi 440Mhz + 1GB RAM and Intel Pentium 3 750Mhz  + 512MB RAM machines showed 3 to 4 times increase in speed of spam detection in comparison with perl spamd daemon + spamc as a C client.

The Java Spam Daemon project page at SourceForge.
Package includes spam daemon as an example of jspamd usage. It's a simple command line program that polls mailboxes and analyzes new mail for spam than moves spam messages to SPAM folder. Usage is simple:
java spamd '{urlhere}'
If you want to poll your IMAP mailbox write the following:
java spamd 'imap://'
several urls are also supported:
java spamd 'imap://' 'imap://'
This daemon is not limited to just imap, it supports any javamail store provider that supports subfolders (e.g. javamaildir).

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